Bubble’s Newest Champions

New Champion  Kiara Deja’s Hit the Jackpot



New Champion Kiara Flame of Rue Che’Re


Make Momma Bubble very proud and an ROM.
Thank you Mary Ellen Vickery (Vegas’s owner) of Deja TTs
and Cheryl Zahradka (Flame’s co-owner) of Rue Che’Re TTs.

Vegas and Flame join brother Tag (CH Kiara Absolut) and sister Buffy (CH Kiara Khyber’s Heart Throb) along with Goodness (Kiara Simply Irresistible) and Sadie (Kiara Song Of Harlem) who are starting on the scene, congratulating Mom. And Mom? She is home on her warm comforter with her newbies.

Kiara Tibetan Terriers

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